Beth Fleenor's musings, projects, compost-itions and inspiramentations
(please note: this site is intended as a sketch book/travel journal for the activation of this artist/human..more in depth discoveries can be found by jumping to other web stations through the portal on the right)
It is actually possible to be lonelier with someone than you can ever be by yourself.
(which is also why it is important to really cultivate the relationships that bring true fulfillment to your individual being)
we need both
.....and the power of humanity.....whew, don't get me started, I can't get into an epic essay right now.....
I have been having some tough emotional things these days and as a result spending a lot (more) of my time alone and/or silent, trying to be more open to receiving all of the gifts that are surrounding me constantly.
one of those gifts is the paradox of our experience of reality.
We are completely alone in ourselves and our individual experience, and yet we are never alone, always completely connected to all that is, has been, and ever will be. We cannot NOT be connected to it. We are it - IT is the combination of all of its parts, and we are a big part of that. We are a droplet of water in the ocean of the universe - it surrounds us and fills us, and carries us.
We are one hand or a heart or the frontal lobe of the collective body.
Within each woman, every woman within each man, every man - Reflections, echoing our divinity.
there is something to be said about the importance of relationships - to yourself as well as to my opinion, it is kind of what all this "life" business is all about.
It is necessary to honor the balance. Only through our relationship with our selves can we truly know others and only through our relationship to others can we truly know ourselves.
It comes in waves. The last one started in December and has continued until presently... it came with a bang - like lightning - illuminating the dark showing what is lurking in the shadows. the more grounded I am the clearer it crashes in - but oftentimes that's when it's the hardest to take.
It is scary - and exciting - and confusing - and surreal - and sometimes saddening - and thrilling all at the same time. And rejecting it really doesn't make anything any easier.
The only thing to do is to listen to the waves and try not to get washed away.
I'm not going to cry all the time nor shall I laugh all the time, I don't prefer one "strain" to another. I'd have the immediacy of a bad movie, not just a sleeper, but also the big, overproduced first-run kind. I want to be at least as alive as the vulgar. And if some aficionado of my mess says "That's not like Frank!", all to the good! I don't wear brown and grey suits all the time, do I? No. I wear workshirts to the opera, often. I want my feet to be bare, I want my face to be shaven, and my heart-- you can't plan on the heart, but the better part of it, my poetry, is open.
my job is to love to love everything enough to have compassion for where things are and why and to love enough to let it pour freely from me, without reservation or requirement of reciprocation recharging everything I come in contact with nourishing, cultivating (BF 2009)
It's in the actions not in the words....that's where you see the truth. Always.
Our choices and hierarchy of importance, our values, our considerations, what we honor, who we are, is revealed in the exchange of how we act towards other entities.
It cannot be covered up, or twisted, or bent - the actions (or lack thereof in some cases) always speak with greater volume and clarity than any of the matter how many are used or from what angle they come.
My advice - both to myself and to others: If you aren't walkin it - shut the fuck up.
Someone just mentioned this on facebook and it brought up a flood of memories for me...I'm actually in the process of doing a concert of classic video game music so my relationship to various games has been coming up a lot - looking at their role in different stages of my life.
When my friend Cameron posted "you have died of dysentery" I instantaneously zoomed back into my 8 year old body. I remembered it so vividly...I used to play that game for hours. I was in the 3rd grade, it was when stuff with my mom really started to escalate... a much more rapid rate. She would forget about picking me up at school a lot, regularly running up to 2 hours late or not showing up at all. As I waited I would play Oregon Trail on the school computer. It was a big deal that we had a computer and that it had a game that wasn't just an education program. I focused on that while I waited, until the next decision had to be made. It kept me from being hysterical (at least externally).
That year I became a walker. My grandfather dropped me off in the morning and I walked home from school in the afternoon.
I started to love walking home. I loved when school would end and it was my turn to leave. There was no waiting - I just into the glorious world alone.
I eventually began walking with my friend Kate who lived just down the street - the beginning of a very important friendship that got me through some even tougher years to come...
1988 - I did not die of dysentery.
2011 - anyone who knows me knows that I'm an avid pedestrian and I walk on average between 3-5 miles a have made it to SPACE BAR to continue...
No. 1 way to make me rebel - impose limitations - I don't take well to my freedom being compromised.
That's at the core. For sure.
I'm not fond of having restrictions or limitations on what something can or can't be.
"Lost in a Paradigm" (Crystal Beth / 2007) We're both the same lost in a paradigm of sublime confrontation confined on the rocks of despair over easy through total destruction we transmute our ability to be touched by the source we deny our ability to be present we disable and disengage our being
the truth seekers riding full gallop on their horses push up against the fabric of reality's possibilities stretching the bubble so you can see all of the colors that make up the prism they leave a trail of golden stardust it seeps out of their human bodies as time passes through them with each breath they ride faster and harder moving with light and sound they ride to unveil the truth of the godhead the oneness to embody it to seek the truth
KBCS 90.3fm Flotation Device guest host: John Seman with extra special guest: Stevie P
This was interesting because I showed up to do my Crystal Beth stuff and the amp I was using just acted as a giant conductor and made an increasingly loud droning, no electronics could be used for the solo performance.....which is only THE WHOLE SET.............or SO I THOUGHT........ I learned a valuable lesson that night: HAVE HUMAN, WILL MAKE MUSIC.